

Zip Content

/library Contains the entry point document to be imported in the Spotfire Library
/web The gadget application to be deployed on the LiveDesign server
Discngine.DataSource.LiveDesign.spk The LiveDesign Connector Spotfire extensions for the DataSource, for Analyst
Discngine.DataSource.LiveDesign.Web.spk The LiveDesign Connector Web Player extensions, for Web Player
Discngine.LiveDesign.Connector.sdn The Spotfire Distribution package that simplifies the deployment of both extensions

This package is available here.

  • Spotfire
    • Version 11.4+ or 12+
    • Administrator group membership and remote access to the Spotfire server
  • LiveDesign
    • Version 8+, 9+, 2022+ or 2023+
    • SSH access to the LiveDesign server
  • A previous version of the LiveDesign Connector installed on Spotfire.

If you have the beta early version installed, please uninstall all related Spotfire extensions first.

Note 1: the new SPKs will automatically replace the old ones

Note 2: If you previously installed the SPKs for Discngine.ClientAutomationForAnalyst and Discngine.ClientAutomationForWebPlayer and do not use the Discngine Pipeline Pilot Connector for Spotfire, you can remove those two packages.

You will have the following result after deploying:

Area Packages After Deployment

see Spotfire official documentation for more information

3. If not done before, follow steps 3 and 4 of the Install Guide

The procedure is similar to the installation procedure

  1. SSH to your LiveDesign server

  2. Backup the directory of the previously installed gadget

  3. Copy the content of the web folder from the LiveDesign Connector package to the server, under seurat/custom_gagdets directory:

scp -r /path/to/web <user>@<ld_server_url>:/home/seurat/custom_gadgets/spotfire
  1. Replace the file in /home/seurat/custom_gadgets/spotfire/config/config.json by the config.json file from the backed up folder

  2. Check that the ownership and access rights are correct for the use

sudo chown seurat:seurat -R /home/seurat/custom_gadgets/spotfire/
# if required:
sudo chmod 755 -R /home/seurat/custom_gadgets/spotfire/