


Represents the coloring for Table Plot and Cross Table.


new SpotfireColoringTable(coloringDescription)

Name Type Description
coloringDescription coloringTableDescription
name String

The name of the color scheme grouping

mappings Array.<String>

Collection of column names on which to apply coloring (displayed in the table plot).

[ colorMode ] SpotfireColorModes  {Enum} 

Specifies in which color mode to set up the color scheme. Which modes are available depend on the columns in the color scheme grouping. For groupings containing continuous columns, you can select one of the following color modes: Gradient, Segments, Fixed, or Unique values. For categorical columns, you can select either Unique values or Fixed color mode.

Enum options: fixed, categorical, gradient, segments, uniqueValues
defaultColor String | Object

Specifies the default color to be used, in the hexadecimal format, or the ARGB object. Especially used with the 'Fixed' color mode.

[ oneScalePer ] SpotfireOneScalePer  {Enum} 

Specifies whether there should be one separate scale for each column in the color scheme grouping, or if one common scale should apply to all the columns.

Enum options: column, trellis
[ applyTo ] SpotfireApplyTo  {Enum} 

Specifies whether the coloring should be applied to the cell backgrounds, or the cell texts.

Enum options: background, text
[ templateLibraryPath ] String

The path in the library of the file that contains a color scheme to be applied to the visualization.

[ templateUrl ] String

The URL of the file that contains a color scheme to be applied to the visualization.

[ templateName ] String

The name of the document color scheme.

[ colorRules ] Object | Array.<Object>

Array of color rules to apply on the visualization.

displayName String

Optionally specify a descriptive name for the rule. The name is used to identify the rule in the Visualization Properties dialog, and it can be displayed in the legend of the visualization. Leave the field blank if you want to use the default rule name.

color String

Specifies the color to be used for the rule, in the hexadecimal format, or the ARGB object.

[ a ] Number

Opacity factor, between 0 and 255.

[ r ] Number

Red intensity, between 0 and 255.

[ g ] Number

Green intensity, between 0 and 255.

[ b ] Number

Blue intensity, between 0 and 255.

[ a ] Number

Opacity factor, between 0 and 255.

[ r ] Number

Red intensity, between 0 and 255.

[ g ] Number

Green intensity, between 0 and 255.

[ b ] Number

Blue intensity, between 0 and 255.

type SpotfireColoringRulesTypes  {Enum} 

Specifies which rule type to add. Which types are available depends on the data type of the column, or hierarchy that the rule is applied to.

Enum options: top, bottom, between, equalTo, notEqualTo, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqual, lessThan, lessThanOrEqual, booleanExpression, gradient, segments, uniqueValues, string
value Number | String

Defines the value the rule should apply to. The available options depend on the rule type.

startValue Number

Only available for the "Between" type. Specifies the minimum value the rule should apply to.

endValue Number

Only available for the "Between" type. Specifies the maximum value the rule should apply to.

expression String

Only available for the "Boolean expression" type. Specifies the expression the rule should apply to, all the items for which the expression is true will get the specified color.

[ colorPoints ] Object | Array.<Object>

Array of anchor points to be applied on the visualization. Available for continuous columns only.

type SpotfireColoringRulesTypes  {Enum} 

Specifies which point type to add. Only types for continuous columns are available.

Enum options: top, bottom, between, equalTo, notEqualTo, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqual, lessThan, lessThanOrEqual, booleanExpression, gradient, segments, uniqueValues, string
value Number | String

Defines the value the rule should apply to. The available options depend on the point type.

color String | Object

Specifies the color to be used for the anchor point, in the hexadecimal format, or the ARGB object.

const coloringDescription = {
    name: 'IDNUMBER',
    mappings: ['IDNUMBER'],
    colorMode: 'Fixed',
    defaultColor: '#FF0000'
const coloringDescription = {
    name: 'IDNUMBER',
    mappings: ['IDNUMBER'],
    colorMode: 'Fixed',
    defaultColor: { a: 255, r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 }
const coloringDescription = {
    name: 'New grouping 1',
    mappings: ['CLUSTER', 'CL_SIZE'],
    colorMode: 'Categorical',
    applyTo: 'Text',
    colorRules: [{
         type: 'Equal to',
         value: 1,
         color: '#FF0000'