

SpotfireColumnRelation(leftTable, leftColumn, rightTable, rightColumn, leftColumnTransformation, rightColumnTransformation)

Describes the relationship between two data tables.


new SpotfireColumnRelation(leftTable, leftColumn, rightTable, rightColumn, leftColumnTransformation, rightColumnTransformation)

Name Type Description
leftTable String

The name of the data table for which you wish to define a relation.

leftColumn String

The name of the column from the left data table to be used in the matching of rows.

rightTable String

The name of the data table to relate to the left data table.

rightColumn String

The name of the column from the right data table to be used in the matching of rows.

leftColumnTransformation SpotfireColumnTransformations  {Enum} 

Transformation method to use to modify the content of the left column. What methods are available depends on the data type of the column.

Enum options: none, date, time, dateTime, timeSpan, days, hours, minutes, seconds, string, real, integer, longInteger, singleReal, currency, boolean, upper, lower, len, trim, parseReal, nameEncode, nameDecode, base64Decode
rightColumnTransformation SpotfireColumnTransformations  {Enum} 

Transformation method to use to modify the content of the right column. What methods are available depends on the data type of the column.

Enum options: none, date, time, dateTime, timeSpan, days, hours, minutes, seconds, string, real, integer, longInteger, singleReal, currency, boolean, upper, lower, len, trim, parseReal, nameEncode, nameDecode, base64Decode