


Represents a scale axis description.


new SpotfireScaleAxis([axisDescription])

Name Type Description
[ axisDescription ] Object
[ columns ] Array.<String>

Specifies the column or hierarchy to use for the Axis.
Note: We strongly recommend to escape the column names using square brackets (column names must be identical to the 'Edit expression' field in TIBCO Spotfire).

[ axisMode ] SpotfireAxisModes  {Enum} 

Specifies whether the column or hierarchy should be treated as continuous or categorical.

Enum options: continuous, categorical
[ categoryMode ] SpotfireCategoryModes  {Enum} 

Determines how to display the categories. 'Show filtered values': to display values available after current filtering only; 'Show filtered range': to hide empty categories on both ends of the currently visible range; 'Show all values': to keep all categories visible even if data for some categories have been filtered out.

Enum options: showFiltered, showFilteredRange, showAll
[ evaluationMode ] SpotfireAxisEvaluationMode  {Enum} 

Only applicable when the range of the available values on the axis is determined by the expression itself, that is, for column-based expressions such as ranking or binning. 'All data': to evaluate the axis expression before filtering is applied and use all of the data to calculate the available ranges; 'Current filtering only': to take the current filtering (as specified on the Data page) into account when evaluating axis expressions.

Enum options: allData, filteredData
[ range ] Object
min Object

Determines the lower value of the axis range.

max Object

Determines the lower value of the axis range.

dataType SpotfireDataTypes

Specifies the data type of the range values if you want to force the formatting. It is particularly useful for the DateTime format.

[ includeOriginInRange ] Boolean

[Available for continuous axes only] Specifies whether or not the value 0 should be included in the axis, regardless of filtering.

[ showZoomSlider ] Boolean

Specifies whether or not a zoom slider that you can manually manipulate to view only the interesting markers in the visualization should be visible.

[ showGridLines ] Boolean

Specifies whether or not vertical grid lines should be visible.

[ logScale ] Boolean

Specifies whether or not the scale changes from a linear scale to a logarithmic base 10 scale.

[ reverseScale ] Boolean

Specifies whether or not the current sort order should be reversed, so that the lowest value is displayed at the top of the scale.

[ showLabels ] Boolean

Specifies whether or not scale labels should be visible.

[ labelOrientation ] SpotfireLabelOrientations  {Enum} 

Shows scale labels horizontally or vertically.

Enum options: horizontal, vertical
[ maxNumberOfLabels ] Number

Specifies a maximum number of scale labels to be shown, between 0 and 200.

[ individualScalingMode ] SpotfireIndividualScalingModes  {Enum} 

[Available for Y-axis and Value axis only.] Specifies if one scale should be displayed for each category used to color the markers by or for each trellis panel.
Note: you should apply a coloring or a trellis before applying this property, see the visualization examples SpotfireBarChart.

Enum options: color, trellis
[ ranges ] Array.<Object>

Array of individual scales to apply. Override the range property.

[].scale String

Specifies the scale on which apply the range.

[].position SpotfireScaleDockPositions  {Enum} 

Specifies if the scale should be placed on the left-hand side of the visualization or on the right-hand side.

Enum options: left, right
[].min Number

Determines the lower value of the scale range.

[].max Number

Determines the highest value of the scale range.

[].includeOriginInRange Boolean

[Available for continuous axes only.] Specifies whether or not the value 0 should be included in the axis, regardless of filtering.

[].reverseScale Boolean

Specifies whether or not the current sort order should be reversed, so that the lowest value is displayed at the top of the scale.