


Represents a Treemap.


new SpotfireTreemap(treemapProperties)

Name Type Description
[ treemapProperties ] Object
[ general ] Object
title String

The title of the visualization.

description String

The description of the visualization.

showTitleBar Boolean

Specifies whether or not to show the visualization title.

[ data ] Object
dataTable String

Specifies the data table on which the visualization will work.

marking String

Specifies the marking that will be used to mark items in the visualization.

limiting Object

Settings used for limiting the data shown in the visualization.

byMarkings Object

Settings used for limiting the data shown in the visualization using the markings.

markingNames String | Array.<String>

Lists the available markings that can be used to limit what is shown in the visualization. This means that the visualization only displays data that has been marked in other visualizations (master visualizations).

combinationBehavior String

['AND'|'OR'], specifies how the data in the markings should be combined if you have listed more than one marking. AND: to show the intersection of the selected markings; OR: to show the union of the selected markings.

emptyBehavior String

['ALL','EMPTY','MESSAGE'], specifies what the visualization should show when no items have been marked in its master visualizations. ALL: to show all the data from the master visualizations that control the content, if no items have been marked in those visualizations; EMPTY: to display only the scales and axis selectors if no items have been marked in the master visualizations; MESSAGE: to display a message if no items have been marked in the master visualizations. The axis selectors will also be visible.

emptyMessage String

The message that will be displayed if no items have been marked in the master visualizations.

byFilterings Object

Defines how different filtering schemes in the analysis should affect the visualization.

filteringNames String | Array.<String>

Lists the available filtering schemes that can be used to limit what is shown in the visualization.

useCurrentFilteringFromPage Boolean

Specifies whether or not the visualization should utilize the filtering scheme that is used on the page where the visualization is located. If you move the visualization to a new page, then the visualization will automatically start reacting on the filtering scheme that is used on the new page.

byExpression String

Specifies the boolean expression to use for limiting the data in the visualization.

[ appearance ] Object
useSeparateColorForMarkedItems Boolean

Specifies whether or not the marking color should be used to distinguish marked items in the visualization.

[ fonts ] Object
legend Object

To change the font settings of the legend.

fontFamily String

Specifies a specific font to use.

size Number

Specifies a specific font size to use.

bold Boolean

Specifies if the font style Bold should be used.

italic Boolean

Specifies if the font style Italic should be used.

detailsVisualizationMessage Object

To change the font settings of the details visualization message.

fontFamily String

Specifies a specific font to use.

size Number

Specifies a specific font size to use.

bold Boolean

Specifies if the font style Bold should be used.

italic Boolean

Specifies if the font style Italic should be used.

[ legend ] Object
visible Boolean

Specifies whether or not the legend should be shown in the visualization.

position SpotfireLegendPositions  {Enum} 

Specifies which side of the visualization the legend should be positioned: the right-hand side or the left-hand side.

Enum options: left, right
width Number

Specifies the width, in pixels, of the legend as it is displayed in the user interface.

legendItems Array.<Object>

Defines how the legend items should be displayed. The available options vary between legend items.

[].name String

The name of the legend item to modify, as it is displayed in the user interface.

[].visible Boolean

Specifies whether or not the legend item should be shown.

[].showTitle Boolean

Specifies whether or not the legend item title should be shown.

[].showAxisSelector Boolean

Specifies whether or not the axis selector for the legend item should be shown.

[ showHideItemsRules ] Array.<Object>
[].expression String

Specifies which column the rule should be applied to.

[].type SpotfireShowHideItemsRulesTypes  {Enum} 

Specifies the rule type. Which types are available depends on the data type of the column the rule is applied to.

Enum options: top, bottom, between, equalTo, notEqualTo, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqual, lessThan, lessThanOrEqual, booleanExpression, string
[].hideMatchedItems String

Specifies whether or not the items that match the rule should be hidden.

[].evaluatePerTrellis String

If the visualization is trellised , specifies whether or not the rule should be applied once for each trellis panel.

[].displayName String

The name of the rule.

[].enabled Boolean

Specifies whether or not the rule should be active.

[].ruleCondition Object
comparisonOperator String
threshold Object
type String
value Number
stringValue Object
type String
value Number
isBottom Boolean
rank Object
type String
value Number
startValue Object
type String
value Number
endValue Object
type String
value Number
expression String
[ colors ] SpotfireColorAxis
[ size ] Object
[ expression ] SpotfireSizeAxis
[ labels ] Object
showHierarchyHeaders Boolean

Specifies whether or not to show hierarchy headers in the treemap. That is, if the column name for each level in the hierarchy should be visible as headers in the treemap.

showLabels Boolean

Specifies whether or not to show labels in the rectangles at the lowest level of the treemap hierarchy.

[ tooltip ] Object
items Array.<Object>
[].expression String

Specifies the column and the name of the tooltip using an expression in the format: '[column expression] as [tooltip name]'.

[].renderer SpotfireRenderer
type SpotfireValueRendererTypes  {Enum} 

Specifies the type of the renderer.

Enum options: text, link, imageFromUrl
url String

[Available for 'Image from URL' and 'Link' renderers only.] Specifies the target URL.

[].size Number

[Available if the selected tooltip value is some kind of image.] Specifies the size in pixels of the image, between 1 and 1600.

displayItems Array.<string>

Specifies the names of displayed tooltips.

format SpotfireTooltipFormats  {Enum} 

Specifies whether or not the name of the tooltip value should be included along with the value itself.

Enum options: valueNamesAndValues, visualizationPropertiesAndValues
[ trellis ] trellisDescription
trellisMode SpotfireTrellisModes  {Enum} 

'Rows and columns': splits the visualization into different panels for all categories in the selected column or hierarchy. The number of values in the specified column or hierarchy controls the number of panels to be displayed in each row, column, or page, respectively.
'Panels': splits the visualization into different panels for all categories in the selected column or hierarchy, without binding any dimensions to either rows or columns. This means that the number of actual values in the column to split by does not control the number of shown rows or columns in any way.

Enum options: rowsColumns, panels
rowAxis trellisAxisDescription

A row with trellis panels will be created for each value in the column or hierarchy.

hierarchyOption SpotfireTrellisAxisHierarchyOptions  {Enum} 

[For hierarchical categories only, but not available for Date, Time or DateTime hierarchies.] 'Use actual combinations in data only (nest)': to display all combinations available in the data; 'Use all possible combinations (cross)': to display all possible combinations, even showing categories that are currently not included in the data.

Enum options: nest, cross
columnAxis trellisAxisDescription

A column with trellis panels will be created for each value in the column or hierarchy.

hierarchyOption SpotfireTrellisAxisHierarchyOptions  {Enum} 

[For hierarchical categories only, but not available for Date, Time or DateTime hierarchies.] 'Use actual combinations in data only (nest)': to display all combinations available in the data; 'Use all possible combinations (cross)': to display all possible combinations, even showing categories that are currently not included in the data.

Enum options: nest, cross
pageAxis trellisAxisDescription

A new page with trellis panels will be created for each value in the column or hierarchy.

hierarchyOption SpotfireTrellisAxisHierarchyOptions  {Enum} 

[For hierarchical categories only, but not available for Date, Time or DateTime hierarchies.] 'Use actual combinations in data only (nest)': to display all combinations available in the data; 'Use all possible combinations (cross)': to display all possible combinations, even showing categories that are currently not included in the data.

Enum options: nest, cross
panelAxis trellisAxisDescription

Specifies the column or hierarchy to define the categories by which the visualization should be split.

hierarchyOption SpotfireTrellisAxisHierarchyOptions  {Enum} 

[For hierarchical categories only, but not available for Date, Time or DateTime hierarchies.] 'Use actual combinations in data only (nest)': to display all combinations available in the data; 'Use all possible combinations (cross)': to display all possible combinations, even showing categories that are currently not included in the data.

Enum options: nest, cross
manualLayout Boolean

To manually specify the number of rows and columns that should be visible without scrolling.

maxNumberOfRows Number

Specifies the maximum number of panels that should be visible on each page.

maxNumberOfColumns Number

Specifies the maximum number of panels that should be visible on each page.